Monday 28 November 2011

Guang-Yan Nieh

Guang-Yan Neih

Today I read a magazine which named Performing Arts Review (It is a Taiwanese art magazine). In the magazine there is a interesting article about Guang-Yan Nieh who is a well-known theater designer in Taiwan. It's talking about him experiences, idea and etc.
Although it was a short article, I still learn many things from it. 

Gunang-Yan Neih mentioned about "design" is when you face a specific situation and then you have to try to think about questions, find the answers and solve the problems in the end. On the other words, it's about deconstruct, analyzation, organization and creation.
What I do now is exactly what he said. I have to find the questions of my research and solve them. 

He said that theater was a place which for people to communicate, connect and interact.
People could get the experiences when they went to theater. So I think when I start doing my project the first thing is thinking about what kind of experience I what to give to my audience.

Every time when he does his disgen, he start from "his life" because performance is life. It is cool!! Combine life and design together.

I believed that people who is successful because of his/her attitude. It is good to learn their attitude!   

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