Sunday 22 July 2012

Start my design...

So far I already did so many research. Although I still think it's not enough (always not enough), it's time to start my design. I asked myself: what kind of set design I wanted to show to audience? My research question is "How to create a new version of a Chinese Opera by combining traditional element with a modern interpretation?". In my heart, I really want to create a beautiful and elegant traditional Chinese garden to audiences. So that's why I did so many research about traditional Chinese culture. But in the end of PGD stage, I was asked about the modern element in my design. Did I want to build a modern Chinese garden? I thought this question for long time. 

My supervisor asked my a question which I thought it was very interesting. She said from her point of view Contemporary Legend Theatre was very traditional. But from my viewpoint CLT was morden. What reasons made us had different feelings?

The pictures of Contemporary Legend Theatre

I looked back that CLT's works was traditional because although they redesigned the sets and costumes, they still used traditional element in their design. On the other hand, CLT was morden because they broke the rules of Chinese Opera. The rules of Chinese Opera are very strict from the sets to costumes even the acting way. CLT changed almost everything. From the outside, CLT looked traditional but the inside of CLT was morden. The head of CLT did these changes because he joined Cloud Gate dance theatre before. Cloud Gate gave him lots of modern interpretation. 

I found my answer. I wanted to create an traditional looks Chinese opera with modern interpretation. In mandarin, we say "New wine in old bottles.”   

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